Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS » Directory

Anyone who is sexually active can get a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Most STD’s are treated easily with medication. These STD’s include syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, and genital warts. However, with HIV/AIDS there may be no symptoms, but IT IS DEADLY. If you have had sexual intercourse without a condom, you should be tested for all STD’s. Since STD’s are contagious and can result in permanent damage, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL HELP.

Free confidential testing is available without parental consent for anyone 12 years or older at Oakland County Health Departments.

Michigan HIV/STD Hotline

Biographical Info

1-800-872-AIDS (2437)

Michigan Teen HIV/STD Hotline

Biographical Info

General Information

Oakland County Health Department Testing Sites

Biographical Info

(248) 858-1280

(248) 424-7000

Oakland Primary Health Services

Biographical Info

General information
(248) 322-6747

High School
(248) 451-7365

Middle School
(248) 451-8030

8:00am-5:00pm M,W,F
8:00am-7:00pm T,TH

Planned Parenthood

Biographical Info

Mid & South Michigan/Livonia 